Arrrrrr! Its Talk Like a Pirate Day...For Real.
Shiver me timbers, it’s "Talk Like a Pirate Day" me maties. On this here fine day of swabbing and stabbing, me bilge-sucking Cap’n, a rather rum fellow, ran me down for a few pieces of eight. This’ll not be the first time the Cap’n has been the tyrant. If you ask me, the addled blaggard’s ship has run afoul and there is soon to be scurvy aboard. But I’ve been to the crow’s nest and I see land. I will leave the mutiny to the rats that don’t jump. There be new shorelines to pillage and I will find them in my jolly boat rather than stick around the bilgewater of this poxed ship. So, the Cap’n can have his pieces of eight and I will fend for me self elsewhere. Perhaps one day he will figure out how to get the mizzen mast out of his poop deck.