Back in Blog and Jerry Hall = Gross
Writing a test plan that is 80 pages long is distinctly not fun. However, it is now done and I am back on the blogging bandwagon. Time for all the fans to celebrate. Hell, I will even cover the drinks....the bill shouldn't be more than $12.
Anyways, I am in CT and w/ the nice weather it has not been so bad. I may even enjoy myself for the next couple of months. I will have friends coming to visit on several of the upcoming weekends and soon after that I will be flying to Orlando to party down with my great aunt and the family for her 75th B-day. Good stuff. OK, that should get everybody up to date. Now for the important matters on the agenda:
#1 Jerry Hall disgusts me. In my previous post I made reference to winning on Kept. This was well before I saw 5 minutes of the actual show. I don't think I could hang out with someone that superficial...especially if they aren't hot* (and Jerry is about 2,562 cigarettes past being hot). If I had to compete on the show I would lose in the first 5 minutes for the following:
1) sarcastic comments at her expense.
2) telling her to stop smoking around me (I can tolerate nice people smoking to a point...otherwise go away).
3) asking her what its like to turn 60.
4) dropping the f'bomb repeatedly because I am a parrot and currently work with a plethera of mechanics and crazy people.
5) telling her that she would make a fantastic supervillain...actually, Im not sure about this one. She might actually be a supervillain.
OK, this is all very harsh for someone that I don't really know but, when you start a show like Kept, what do you expect.
*Just in case somebody doesn't see the humor in this statement, let me spell it out: the "especially if they aren't hot" comment would make me just as superficial and was written tongue in cheek for a joke. I am not really that superficial (although don't get me wrong, if you are a cute girl and want a date, feel free to let me know)
#2 Well, Im actually too lazy to write a #2 item on the agenda. It will have to wait for another day.
Im out.