Another CT Inspired Post
I am going to apologize in advance for the cranky undertones that will probably be apparent in my posts for the next couple of days. If you have read any of my posts concerning Connecticut you know why I am cranky.
I think that today I will list the pro’s and con’s of Connecticut. We will start with the con’s because they make me feel better.
1) 95% of the girls are either overweight or in Boston. For any girls in CT who might be reading this, don’t worry. I’m sure you are in that elusive 5%.
2) Every populated area in CT becomes a ghost town after 8:30 (AM or PM is debatable).
3) Hartford is in the top 10 of the most stressful cities in the United States. City officials try and sell the fact that alot has changed since 2000. I will tell you that they are full of crap...the really stink kind.
4) Connecticut doesn't like people between the ages of 23 and 33. I am not kidding. EXHIBIT A is from census data taken in 2000 (Don't make fun of my makeshift graph...its not bad for an MS Paint drawing).