Karaoke and the Choir of Angels
It is 3:00 AM and I just got back from a karaoke bar. I don't think I was any good but it was damn fun. I don't think anybody else thought I was any good either. Again, I still had fun. I sang(howled, croaked, belched...whatever) White Wedding by Billy Idol and Wonderwall by Oasis. Now before you judge me on my song selection, keep in mind that these were strategically chosen songs. It just so happens that these two songs consist of the only five notes that my very narrow vocal range can hit. I didn't sing these songs by preference but out of necessity. The end result? I still sounded like a retarded alligator with laryngitis at the height of mating season. If you have ever heard a horny alligator, you know that this is not pleasant. If you haven't heard a horny alligator then just trust me, it's not Elton John.